Do Tattoo Artists Copy Other Artists’ Drawings?

Tattoo artists have the special ability to transform a design or piece of artwork into a work of body art that will last a lifetime. When someone decides to get a tattoo, they often bring in a reference image or a drawing they want the artist to replicate. This brings up the question, will tattoo artists copy a drawing? It’s not as easy as saying “yes” or “no,”. In this article, we will explore the factors that come into play when a client wants a tattoo of a drawing, and whether tattoo artists should copy a drawing or not.

The Ethics Of Copying A Drawing

The first concern that arises is whether it is moral to replicate a drawing. In the art world, it is considered unethical to copy someone else’s artwork without permission or proper credit. However, in the tattoo industry, things work a bit differently. Clients often bring in images they found online or from a friend’s tattoo, and they want the artist to create a similar design. In such cases, the artist should get permission from the original artist and give them credit for the design. In some cases, the artist may refuse to copy a drawing, citing their code of ethics.

The Tattoo Artist’s Skill Level

Tattoo artists have different skill levels, and some may be better than others at replicating a drawing. When a client brings in a drawing, the artist should evaluate whether they are capable of reproducing the design as accurately as possible. If the artist is not confident in their ability to replicate the design, they should communicate this to the client and suggest alterations to the design that will make it more suitable for a tattoo.

The Design’s Suitability For A Tattoo

Not all drawings are suitable for a tattoo. Some designs may be too intricate, while others may not translate well onto the skin. Tattoo artists at a tattoo academy are trained to evaluate designs and make adjustments to make them more suitable for a tattoo. If the artist feels that the design may not work well as a tattoo, they should discuss this with the client and suggest changes that will improve the design’s suitability.

Legal Considerations

Copying a drawing can sometimes lead to legal issues. If the design is copyrighted, the artist may face legal action for copying it without permission. It is the artist’s responsibility to ensure that the design is not copyrighted or that they have obtained permission from the copyright owner before replicating the design. If the artist is not sure whether the design is copyrighted or not, they should do their due diligence and research before copying the design.

The Client’s Expectations

When a client brings in a drawing, they usually have certain expectations of how the final tattoo should look. It is the artist’s responsibility to manage these expectations and communicate any potential issues with the design. If the artist feels that the design may not work well as a tattoo or may need alterations, they should communicate this with the client and suggest changes that will improve the design’s suitability.

The Artist’s Style

Tattoo artists have different styles, and some may be better suited to replicate a drawing than others. When a client brings in a drawing, the artist should evaluate whether their style is suited to the design. If the artist feels that their style is not suited to the design, they should communicate this with the client and suggest changes that will make the design more suitable for their style.

The Artist’s Creative Freedom

Tattoo artists are artists, and they should be allowed creative freedom to make alterations to a design that will improve its suitability for a tattoo. If a client brings in a drawing, the artist should be allowed to make changes to the design that will improve its suitability for a tattoo. This may include changes to the design’s size, colour, or placement.


So, will tattoo artists copy a drawing? The answer is not as simple as a yes or no. Before determining whether or not to copy a drawing, tattoo artists must take into account several factors. Ethical considerations, the artist’s skill level, the design’s suitability for a tattoo, legal considerations, the client’s expectations, the artist’s style, and creative freedom are all significant factors that ought to be considered. Ultimately, the decision to copy a drawing or not should be made after careful evaluation of all these factors.